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Debunking Myths: There is no such thing as a best practice In institutional and alternative Investment operations

Have you heard from software vendors that there is a particular best practice for an investment process and that’s why you are having to force-fit your processes into their technology? After working with more than 800 clients in the institutional and alternative investment industry for the past 15 years, we’ve found that there is no such thing as a single best practice for any business process. That’s why it’s imperative to choose configurable software that will conform to your business processes, not the other way around. Download this white paper to learn more about:

  • Why there is no such thing as a single best practice for any part of the investment process
  • How different operational models impact the investment process
  • Why you should prioritize software configurability when making vendor selections for the investment and operations teams
  • The checklist for evaluating software vendors for configurability

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